Root Canals: Facts vs. Fiction

Root Canals: Facts vs. Fiction

Root canal treatment or endodontic therapy is a series of procedures that treat issues within the soft pulp tissue inside of a tooth. A root root canalscanal procedure by a Findlay, OH dentist is necessary when inflammation and/or infection develops in the pulp tissue of the tooth. The pulp contains connective tissue, nerves and blood vessels. Without treatment, the infection will not go away leading to a dental abscess and other health problems within the body.

More about Root Canals

FACT: Root canals can save natural teeth while avoiding dental restoration procedures. These restorations can lead to the need for dental implants or bridgework, which can be costly.

FICTION: Generally, people associated root canals with a lot of pain. However, this dental procedure is no more uncomfortable than receiving a filling and with the proper preparations, a patient should expect to have mild discomfort following their root canal.

FACT: Root canals generally occur because of deep tooth decay. Ultimately, untreated dental cavities allow bacteria to go to the center of the tooth infecting the pulp tissue. Regular dental examinations and cleanings can help reduce the need for root canals in children and adults alike.

Root canal therapy begins like a filling does with an anesthetic to numb the tooth and the surrounding area fully. Next, a small opening is made on the tooth allowing the Findlay dentist access to root canals and pulp chamber. All of the dead or dying tissue is removed and the area is cleaned and disinfected fully before a sealant is applied to seal off the opening preventing future infections from occurring.

If you have sharp pain when you bite, sensitivity to hot or cold food or beverages or noticeable swelling, it’s time to schedule an appointment with a Findlay, OH dentist today. Call 419-422-8972 today!

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