Could Botox Help Me?

Could Botox Help Me?

If you’ve been looking for a new, more refreshed look for your face, you may benefit from a skin treatment called Botox. It is one of the topbotox five cosmetic-minimally invasive procedures according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. You don’t have to schedule a separate appointment with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon for Botox— Dr. Krystal DeClerck at DeClerk Family Dental in Findlay, OH can administer the treatment.

About Dental Botox Treatments
Wrinkles and lines are caused by muscles contracting in your face. When you smile, laugh, or make certain expressions, those muscles are activated. Botox, also called botulinum toxin A, freezes the muscles, relaxing the lines and smoothing out the outer surface of the skin. After applying an anesthetic for your comfort, your dentist must make small injections into the muscle layer of the skin at specific points. You will start to see positive results in a few days.

Will Botox Help You?
If you have saggy, wrinkly skin or deep creases in your face, Botox treatments by your Findlay, OH dentist could help you. If you are now seeing the effects of years of laughing and smiling (laugh lines and crow’s feet), one session can reverse those effects. It is a skin treatment to consider if you are not a good candidate for plastic surgery or other procedures that may require deep anesthesia and a long healing period.

How Long Does Botox Last?
Your Botox treatment can last for up to six months. That’s up to half a year of younger, smoother-looking skin. After several sessions, some patients may see the results last even longer as the muscles “learn” to stop contracting. If you avoid direct sun exposure and commit to a good skin care regimen, you can avoid problems with new wrinkles in the future.

See a Botox Dentist
Imagine the convenience of going to the dentist for a basic dental cleaning and also having a quick Botox treatment before you leave. This is possible when you visit DeClerck Family Dental in Findlay, OH. Call (419) 422-8972 today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Krystal DeClerck.

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