Tooth-Colored Fillings Restore Damaged Teeth

Tooth-Colored Fillings Restore Damaged Teeth

Discover the benefits of getting tooth-colored dental fillings.fillings

Has our Findlay, OH, family dentist Dr. Krystal DeClerck recently told you or a loved one that you could benefit from getting a dental filling? Find out more about one of the most commonly used dental restorations around.

What is a dental filling?

A filling is only placed over a hole that has formed as a result of decay. Chances are good that if you don’t already have a dental filling that you know many people who do. Of course, you wouldn’t be able to tell just by looking at someone’s smile.

If our Findlay, OH, dentist detected a cavity during your last checkup then you will need a dental filling in order to restore the tooth once the cavity has been removed. Not only does the filling restore the appearance of the tooth but also it helps rebuild the tooth’s strength.

Why choose tooth-colored fillings?

In the past, dental fillings were made from different kinds of material, including certain metals like silver or gold; fortunately, dentistry has come a long way and we are able to provide our patients with a dental filling that isn’t visible or aesthetically unpleasing, as metal fillings can often be. This is why we offer tooth-colored fillings.

Tooth-colored fillings are made from a material known as composite resin. This material is similar to putty and it’s designed to match the exact shade of your tooth so that it blends right in with the rest of your tooth enamel. The aesthetic benefit is a major reason why so many people turn to composite resin fillings to restore their tooth or teeth.

Furthermore, leaving a tooth unfilled after a cavity can leave it weak and prone to damage or even an infection. This is why it’s necessary for us to fill the tooth immediately after removing the decay. Don’t worry; filling a tooth is simple and painless, and can be completed in just one appointment.

Here in Findlay, OH, DeClerck Family Dental takes pride in providing thorough dentist care for your entire family. No matter whether you need to schedule a routine cleaning or you have questions about the services we offer, don’t hesitate to reach out to us anytime.

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